I took five minutes to give my dog a proper doggy massage after her bath today. She was so happy all stretched out and zen. So cute. She’s 91 in dog years. Those old muscles loved the extra TLC.
I have many of those non-memory memories you mentioned at the beginning of this post. Now, many years later, I decided that I do not want life to just happen to me, I want to grab those experiences, especially the sensory pleasures you speak of. I have started planning 3 adventures every quarter in an effort to maintain a spark. I have also committed to asking someone to lunch once a month. It sounds simple, but it's working! Writing is such a solitary pursuit, these simple things help me make sure I'm still creating new memories. Thanks for all the ideas you presented here and the reminder to savor it all❣️
I think that the idea that life just happened to me for multiple decades may have been the impetus behind writing this piece. No way, no how, am I going to let that go on for one more minute! I love the idea of 3 adventures a quarter! I am trying to do a weekly artist's date and that's too much, I never make it work. But I bet I can do three a quarter!
And you're so right about needing to seek the memories out when you choose a life of solitude. It's a paradox I think about all the time. I need the quiet to get my work done, but if I spend all my time in that solitude, I have no adventures to write about!
My dogs are my daily reminder to be present. The rule is, I have to tell them each a highlight of my day with them when I go to bed. It encourages me to make a moment during the day—or at least to reflect on a simple moment before the day’s over.
I loved this! I have actively been trying to be more aware of the small moments in my life and be more present. I am in Prague (atm) and sat outside tonight just staring in awe of the sky over this beautiful city. And yes it’s cold but gosh it was too beautiful to miss ❤️
Also, I should add that I because 1000x more mindful after adopting my dog during the pandemic. I'm out enjoying nature every single day because of her ❤️
That's the cherry on top of adopting a pet! Now, if only I could get my cat to wear her harness and leash. I put it on her and she just flops over and pretends she can't walk. 🤣
Oh yes. What's even better is if I open the door, her desire to be outside eventually trumps the point she's trying to make about disliking her harness and suddenly, miraculously, she can walk again 🙄
I saw something recently that I was going to do, but forgot - it's inline with this post - She said everyday she is writing one thing on her calendar she is grateful for or that was special about the day...
This is how I spend the first five waking moments of each day. Dezi comes to sit by my bed with her back to me and collects her daily massage every morning at 730. Simple pleasures in the mundane moments.
That's an insightful take on the violinist. A lot of people use it as a lesson to go where we're valued (as opposed to where we're devalued), but you're right, it's also a lesson in mindfulness.
I too have got a lot of hustle culture conditioning to unlearn. Maybe that's why I enjoy your newsletters. 😁 Also, the story of the violinist is also used to inspire people whose families or friends devalue them.
Oh, when you said "go where we're valued" I assumed that meant by the people who might find value in our work. I'd be curious to read about the story being used to illustrate that perspective. The link isn't immediately obvious to me 🤔
I only have one life, and when I'm dead I won't be able to check my smartphone, so it's important I do it as much as possible now. (But in all seriousness, yes to everything you've said here)
I love this! I have 2 horses, and that means I'm outside every day. Some of my favorite moments were times when I begrudgingly went out to do chores, and saw some of the most beautiful landscapes because of it. Amazing sunrises. Wild skies before a storm. Rainbows. Geese in the mist on the pond. Glittering snowflakes. Hoar frost. Bald eagles wheeling on the thermals. Tiny frogs. Peepers singing in the dark. Lightening bugs.
During the summer I often sit on the shore and have those moments where I feel at one with everything. The world slows down enough for all the different scents the wind carries to surround me and fill me with peace. The gentle lapping of the waves, the laughter of children enjoying their moments all fill me with warmth. I miss those moments in the winter.
There's something so magical about the wafts of different scents, isn't there? It's like secret insight into the life that's going on around you, unknown and unseen. I love how I get hit with them when I'm riding my bike. Thank you for sharing this beautiful image with us. I can picture myself there 🩵
I love to cook and I love food so I definitely savor some deliciousness daily. I’m also an artist and noticing beautiful things and moments is just part of my nature and daily life.
Ohhhh cooking is such a big one. I was talking with a friend last night about the difference between eating to live and living to eat. It sounds like you and I choose the latter!
The story of the violinist reminded me of traveling to New Orleans with a now ex-friend. I'm the type to stop and notice EVERYTHING and she's the type looking for her next beer. I stopped, watched, and dropped money for every bucket drummer and musician I saw in the streets. She acted like I was a friggin 10-tonne ball and chain. She was so impatient that I started going out into the streets of NOLA by myself to have good days while she laid by the hotel pool with her next case of beer. 🙄
Ew. Okay, WE are allowed to travel together but she can not come! When we were there last year, my bestie spent sooooo much money drunkenly dropping tips into every single musician's bucket 🤣 It was a total delight, and it sounds like you would have fit right in.
I try to be really mindful and present throughout my day, too. Having kids makes this both easier and harder simultaneously. Like, when one of my kids is trying to talk to me but my other kids are distracting me at the same time, it's so difficult to be present and actually listen to my kiddo that just wants to talk.
But other times, if they have my undivided attention, I'll set everything aside just to observe them speaking-- the way use their hands to talk, their mannerisms, how cute their voice sounds-- and just soak up every last detail because they grow up so fast and I want to remember every single part.
This is beautiful. I love the detail you describe in observing them. So cool to be self-aware about presence and able to describe what you notice with the voice of a writer 🥰
I took five minutes to give my dog a proper doggy massage after her bath today. She was so happy all stretched out and zen. So cute. She’s 91 in dog years. Those old muscles loved the extra TLC.
Awww she looks great for 91 🤣🤣🤣
Those are truly the best moments, though. 🥰
I have many of those non-memory memories you mentioned at the beginning of this post. Now, many years later, I decided that I do not want life to just happen to me, I want to grab those experiences, especially the sensory pleasures you speak of. I have started planning 3 adventures every quarter in an effort to maintain a spark. I have also committed to asking someone to lunch once a month. It sounds simple, but it's working! Writing is such a solitary pursuit, these simple things help me make sure I'm still creating new memories. Thanks for all the ideas you presented here and the reminder to savor it all❣️
I think that the idea that life just happened to me for multiple decades may have been the impetus behind writing this piece. No way, no how, am I going to let that go on for one more minute! I love the idea of 3 adventures a quarter! I am trying to do a weekly artist's date and that's too much, I never make it work. But I bet I can do three a quarter!
And you're so right about needing to seek the memories out when you choose a life of solitude. It's a paradox I think about all the time. I need the quiet to get my work done, but if I spend all my time in that solitude, I have no adventures to write about!
My dogs are my daily reminder to be present. The rule is, I have to tell them each a highlight of my day with them when I go to bed. It encourages me to make a moment during the day—or at least to reflect on a simple moment before the day’s over.
Zach, I love this 😊 I have many conversations with Dezi throughout the day, too. And they all end with me telling her she's the best ❤️
Same, except I end up asking her how she got so beautiful and soft 🤣
This is too adorable 🥰
I loved this! I have actively been trying to be more aware of the small moments in my life and be more present. I am in Prague (atm) and sat outside tonight just staring in awe of the sky over this beautiful city. And yes it’s cold but gosh it was too beautiful to miss ❤️
Ohhh I've never been to Prague but I hear it's GORGEOUS, so this is #lifegoals right here. Soak it all in, Ashley 🩵
Also, I should add that I because 1000x more mindful after adopting my dog during the pandemic. I'm out enjoying nature every single day because of her ❤️
That's the cherry on top of adopting a pet! Now, if only I could get my cat to wear her harness and leash. I put it on her and she just flops over and pretends she can't walk. 🤣
How dramatic 😂
Oh yes. What's even better is if I open the door, her desire to be outside eventually trumps the point she's trying to make about disliking her harness and suddenly, miraculously, she can walk again 🙄
That's 😂 😃 😄 hilarious
It's pretty over the top 🤣
I saw something recently that I was going to do, but forgot - it's inline with this post - She said everyday she is writing one thing on her calendar she is grateful for or that was special about the day...
Well, if this post helped you remember that fabulous idea, then I consider it a win!
oh for sure it’s a win!! I love what you’re doing over here Jennie - just sayin…
I was scratching my dog behind the ears and just sat there enjoying the moment, concentrating on nothing but him. We were both relaxed.
Pets are the best reminder to just BE and soak in all the love.
This is how I spend the first five waking moments of each day. Dezi comes to sit by my bed with her back to me and collects her daily massage every morning at 730. Simple pleasures in the mundane moments.
Yep, just like my brushing ritual with Hecate. Best part of my day!
That's an insightful take on the violinist. A lot of people use it as a lesson to go where we're valued (as opposed to where we're devalued), but you're right, it's also a lesson in mindfulness.
It was jarring for me, because I suspect I would've rushed right by. I've still got a lot of hustle culture conditioning to unlearn.
You're right though, it does speak to the importance of meeting your audience where they are, which might not be in the subway 😉
I too have got a lot of hustle culture conditioning to unlearn. Maybe that's why I enjoy your newsletters. 😁 Also, the story of the violinist is also used to inspire people whose families or friends devalue them.
Oh, when you said "go where we're valued" I assumed that meant by the people who might find value in our work. I'd be curious to read about the story being used to illustrate that perspective. The link isn't immediately obvious to me 🤔
I only have one life, and when I'm dead I won't be able to check my smartphone, so it's important I do it as much as possible now. (But in all seriousness, yes to everything you've said here)
Hahaha we all have our priorities :)
I love this! I have 2 horses, and that means I'm outside every day. Some of my favorite moments were times when I begrudgingly went out to do chores, and saw some of the most beautiful landscapes because of it. Amazing sunrises. Wild skies before a storm. Rainbows. Geese in the mist on the pond. Glittering snowflakes. Hoar frost. Bald eagles wheeling on the thermals. Tiny frogs. Peepers singing in the dark. Lightening bugs.
OMG I looooove this so much and would give ANYTHING to be out there in the pre-dawn silence with you. It sounds positively magical 😍😍😍
It is magical. Dragging myself out of bed is not 🤣 but yeah once I'm there, it's amazing.
My cat purring in my lap fills me with calm and joy.
Agreed. It's one of my favorite things :)
During the summer I often sit on the shore and have those moments where I feel at one with everything. The world slows down enough for all the different scents the wind carries to surround me and fill me with peace. The gentle lapping of the waves, the laughter of children enjoying their moments all fill me with warmth. I miss those moments in the winter.
There's something so magical about the wafts of different scents, isn't there? It's like secret insight into the life that's going on around you, unknown and unseen. I love how I get hit with them when I'm riding my bike. Thank you for sharing this beautiful image with us. I can picture myself there 🩵
I love to cook and I love food so I definitely savor some deliciousness daily. I’m also an artist and noticing beautiful things and moments is just part of my nature and daily life.
Great tips :)
Ohhhh cooking is such a big one. I was talking with a friend last night about the difference between eating to live and living to eat. It sounds like you and I choose the latter!
The story of the violinist reminded me of traveling to New Orleans with a now ex-friend. I'm the type to stop and notice EVERYTHING and she's the type looking for her next beer. I stopped, watched, and dropped money for every bucket drummer and musician I saw in the streets. She acted like I was a friggin 10-tonne ball and chain. She was so impatient that I started going out into the streets of NOLA by myself to have good days while she laid by the hotel pool with her next case of beer. 🙄
Ew. Okay, WE are allowed to travel together but she can not come! When we were there last year, my bestie spent sooooo much money drunkenly dropping tips into every single musician's bucket 🤣 It was a total delight, and it sounds like you would have fit right in.
I try to be really mindful and present throughout my day, too. Having kids makes this both easier and harder simultaneously. Like, when one of my kids is trying to talk to me but my other kids are distracting me at the same time, it's so difficult to be present and actually listen to my kiddo that just wants to talk.
But other times, if they have my undivided attention, I'll set everything aside just to observe them speaking-- the way use their hands to talk, their mannerisms, how cute their voice sounds-- and just soak up every last detail because they grow up so fast and I want to remember every single part.
This is beautiful. I love the detail you describe in observing them. So cool to be self-aware about presence and able to describe what you notice with the voice of a writer 🥰
Just posted this and it resonates with your piece so much
Yes! So well said. There is no better pill!
Beautiful shot. Thanks for sharing!