Cool Jennie I guess we’re going to be friends after all. I’m going to make it to this today. Yay!

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Yay!! I can’t wait to meet you! 🤗

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Thank you, Jennie!

I’m having a life overwhelmed, not just with writing … writing is my whipped cream.

anyway, I look forward to a deeper friendship, perhaps and definitely more writing exchanges!

Have the most beautiful weekend.

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Thank you, Jennie! Yes, it was interesting for sure. Something I could use every month and also a bit confusing. Then again that’s me and tech.

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We covered a lot, so I’m not at all surprised you felt a bit overwhelmed! You will have access to our slide decks in addition to the replay, in case you want to go through them at your own pace. I’ll try to post it all tomorrow!

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Also interesting: it seems like I can’t go back and look at my replies so if there’s any typos well, …fuck ‘em.

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I’ll even wash my hair

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Thank you so much for coming today, Ruthie! Sorry we didn’t get to chat a bit more—there was so much going on. I hope you got something out of it :)

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Same same

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