If You're Struggling to Function Right Now, Read This
A survival guide for empaths & HSPs in the new world order.
I have to start taking care of myself before I burst into flames.
I recently posted a note about how it feels impossible to function right now as an empath, and that 👆🏼👆🏼 was one of the comments I received.
It’s how I knew I needed to write this article.
This is not a post about politics. I write about designing a life and business you’re excited to wake up to every day.
But it’s also not NOT about politics.
Because I wouldn’t be writing this if we weren’t living in a chaotic stew of whirling emotional extremes, billionaire power grabs and heartbreaking daily injustices.
Suffering—human, animal and environmental—eviscerates me. I am a veritable sponge, soaking up the emotions in a room, in a stadium, in the collective. I have spent much of the last few months wondering why I feel possessed by the urge to vandalize property and burn down buildings when I speak out against these actions on a normal day. It took some serious introspection to realize the feelings inside of me aren’t mine.
And I think we can agree these are not normal days.
If you also identify as an empath1 or a Highly Sensitive Person,2 you are likely overwhelmed by unmanageable emotions yourself right now. It may feel impossible to engage in day-to-day activities when you’re blinded by rage and/or your heart is breaking.
For my part, it feels tone-deaf AF to focus on clever ways to market your brand when we’re all just trying to keep from bursting into flames.
So, if you’d rather live than spend the next four years in bed, this one’s for you. After all, you can’t show up for your business, much less those who need you most, when you feel fragile as Autumn leaves.
And you certainly can’t be on the front lines of the resistance.
Don’t Knock it ‘Til You Try it
Ever heard of shielding?
Oh, my loves, you are in for a treat. Shielding is a meditative practice that involves protecting yourself inside an energetic bubble—the better to maintain emotional balance and prevent short-circuiting from anxiety.
To do it, simply carve out some quiet time and visualize creating a protective barrier (like a glowing golden orb) between you and all outside energies. This barrier acts like a filter, allowing you to remain connected to the world while being resistant to negativity.
I needed a fellow creator here on Substack to remind me of shielding’s benefits, but after one session, I had my first “normal” day in a month. Meaning: I was able to find joy in simple pleasures again and tap into my creativity, which is the first thing to go when my nervous system is inflamed.
I now do it every single morning.
If you’re inclined to discredit this tip due to its woo nature, stay with me. Studies show your nervous system is soothed via meditation. Given that, what’s the worst that can happen if you try it?
And if you think you suck at meditation, I assure you I suck more. That’s why I recommend doing a short, guided meditation from YouTube or the Insight Timer App, which is free. Here are two of my favorites.
Cleanse and Protect Your Energy with Prashanti Paz
Energy Protection for Empaths with Reiki Rachael
Stay Informed, but Not So Informed You’re Immobilized
I survived the 2016 election and, later, the pandemic by staying off the news and, in large part, social media. It’s the single biggest factor to which I attribute my ability to NOT vandalize property and burn down buildings. I recommend it—especially the social media cleanse—to anyone who will listen.
But this time around, burying my head in the sand isn’t gonna work for me. It feels like a betrayal of everything I stand for. So, I'm choosing to focus on one or two news sources and/or political pubs on Substack. And that’s it.
Many of the sources the folks in my echo chamber claim are unbiased are “left of center” at best and blatantly partisan at worst. Having my beliefs parroted back to me is not the goal. I want the truth.
My quest for this elusive goal uncovered a website called AllSides.com, which ranks news sources according to their partisan biases, explains exactly how they arrived at that rating, and notes whether or not the community agrees. (For instance, WaPo is listed as “center,” but in light of the not endorsing Kamala fiasco, the community disagrees).
AllSides rates outlets based on perspective only and not accuracy because, and I quote, “We aren't the Ministry of Truth.” They go on to say, “The left and right often strongly disagree on what is truth and what is fiction.”
I like it.
They also suggest that ONLY reading outlets that align center is not the way to go. Instead, you should read a balance of perspectives so that you know what’s being spoonfed to the masses who aren’t savvy enough to do their homework. Diversification works for stock portfolios; it only makes sense that it would apply here. This link will take you directly to AllSides’ “balanced news feed.”
Pro Tip:
YOU curate your Substack feed, so if you drop a heart on every political note you see, prepare for your feed to be full of politics. Be especially careful about the insanely hateful posts that call everybody names. Empaths and highly sensitive people need to avoid vitriol at all costs, and you’ll be super upset with yourself if you invite the vampires inside.
Ask me how I know.
Complete the Stress Cycle
Emotions are neurological events that occur not just in the brain but throughout the entire body. Therefore, it’s safe to say that emotions happen everywhere and affect everything.
Emotions can be thought of as tunnels with a beginning, middle and end. If you go all the way through them, you get to the light on the other side. But if you get stuck in an emotion, your body stays in a state where your neurochemicals and hormones degrade but never fully shift back into relaxation. This leads to exhaustion, illness and burnout.
It’s especially easy to get stuck in the tunnel during intensely emotional times because there’s no reprieve—we're constantly being exposed to situations that activate big feelings. You might think eliminating the stressor is the solution, but that’s no more accurate than it is doable in this case.
What you can control is the action you take to complete the stress cycle, getting yourself unstuck and out the tunnel’s other side. Any form of physical activity will get ‘er done—dancing it out in your living room, screaming into a pillow, doing 30 jumping jacks, tensing every muscle really hard until you can’t do it for another minute and then flopping down and letting your body completely surrender. That’s how you release the physical and chemical processes that were taking place and communicate to your body that it is safe.
Direct the Fire
Several of the commenters on my note about empaths spoke about fire. “My nervous system’s on fire,” “my symptoms have flared up,“ “before I burst into flames.”
That fire we’re all feeling is energy, and we need to off-gas that energy in order to complete the stress cycle. That part is critical to our survival. But there’s no rule that says that energy can’t be harnessed and directed somewhere useful. Or even just alchemized into something that doesn’t consume us.
Want to turn it into kindness? Read this:
Witches Alchemizing Outrage & Hatred into Tiny Acts of Kindness & Love
Not sure what to do? Read this:
An incomplete list of what is and what isn't resistance.
Want something low-lift that’s easy on the nervous system and your exhausted brain? Call your congressperson using 5calls.org. It’s one of the simplest ways I’ve found to go to bed proud that you’re making a difference.
What practices are you employing to keep from vandalizing property and burning down buildings right now?
Share them with us in the comments because we could all use a life raft. And a hug. And some ice cream.
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A person who can feel and understand what others are feeling, also known to feel things on a deeper level and take on the feelings of others.
HSPs are thought to be more disturbed than others by violence, tension, or feelings of being overwhelmed and may make concerted efforts to avoid situations in which such things are likely to occur.
Yes to all of this. I am a traditional meditation failure though, so I’ve been practicing what I call meditation walks where I alternate focusing on one sense at a time as I walk. Once I’ve gone through all the senses one at a time, I then focus on whichever sensory thing pops up. This is helping immensely and allows me to meditate in my own way.
Will read but this popped up and I thought, “What if it’s always and not just ‘right now’?” Hah. I will read because it’s clearly for me. Thanks.